Chordline Health Releases ACUITYnxt™ 2.5

Wilmington, NC – December 15, 2023 - Chordline Health, the leading provider of population health software designed to support the workflow and analytics needs of health plans, TPAs, ACOs and other risk-bearing organizations, today announced the release of ACUITYnxt™️ version 2.5. This update incorporates innovative features designed to increase user efficiency such as “dynamic tabs,” “round robin” assignments of workflow records, new assessment features, additional automation options, user workflow enhancements, and new dashboards within Chordline’s best-in-class platform.

“Dynamic tabs” empower users to create configurable record grids displaying imported data. The “round robin” feature offers sequential assignment of work records within a “team” list.  “Easy appeal escalation” streamlines next-level appeals with a single button, while “two-way linking” allows users to link associated records for more efficient case or authorization management.

ACUITYnxt is a cloud-based software and analytics platform delivering actionable, real-time data to users. This enables them to optimize clinical outcomes, maintain compliance, and deliver better patient outcomes, all while reducing operational costs.

“We are thrilled to unveil ACUITYnxt version 2.5, marking a significant leap forward in healthcare technology,” says Billie Nutter, CEO. “The healthcare landscape is always evolving and it’s so important to incorporate features that our clients really need. This release underscores Chordline’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that drive real results for our clients and their patients.”

Designed to meet regulatory standards out of the box, ACUITYnxt allows organizations to achieve both URAC and NCQA accreditation with little need for configuration. ACUITYnxt is SOC 2 and HIPAA compliant and is HITRUST and AWS certified.

Release 2.5 is available now for deployment. To request a demo, contact Victoria Baldwin at


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